Autumn dragon

“Autumn dragon” – A draft illustration (pencil, photoshop, Cintiq) painted on January 24, 2023 during the “Dragonary challenge.”

πŸ‚πŸπŸ‰ You already discovered the “Treetop dragon” on day 18 of my take on the “Dragonary 2023” series. Well, today we discover that these creatures change the color of their scales with the seasons!


Dragonary is an annual inspirational event about drawing dragons, thanks to the prompts given by Matthew Stawicki Art.

These are daily sketches (pencil, photoshop, and Cintiq) I hope to transform into full paintings in the future.

Thanks to master @matthewstawicki for the inspiration and the kindness.

Thanks to master @matthewstawicki for the inspiration and the kindness.

#dragon #dragons #drake #seaserpent #monsters #noai #supporthumanartists #drago #dragonoftheday

Use of this artwork

For ANY use of this artwork, contact me first.

If you’re interested in digital downloads without watermark for personal use, licensing the artwork for a new project, or you’d like a custom print, please contact me.

Artwork created on: 24/01/2023
Copyright 2023 Elena Greenedera Zambelli, all rights reserved #noai

Page last edit 05/09/2023

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