Em, the Shalewalker – Dragonlance fanart

Portrait of Em, kagonesti wild elf, and her friend Vlacks – a Vrock disguising himself as a griffon while fighting for the cause of good. Original characters in the Dragonlance Fandom. Commission for A.T.

“After a century-spanning mission against generations of organized evil, Em Shalewalker has returned to her people a champion. Coming home, however, was easier said than done. Haunted by the violence and atrocity of a hundred years of darkness, a hundred years of stalking the enemy of good, a hundred years of pain, Em does not feel at home amongst her people (or any other people). Her return became, itself, a retreat– to the shalestone cliffs of the Khalkists, overlooking the forests of her youth. From the unforgiving stone, she found the next chapters of her journey, with new companions and harrowing hellscapes… in search of some reason for hope.”

Art reveal video:


This is a work of fanart.
Artwork created on: 12/02/2023
Copyright 2023 Elena Greenedera Zambelli, all rights reserved #noai

Page last edit: 22/12/2023

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